“All Carrots, No Stick” Deal with Mullahs

The task of changing he regime of terror in Iran and establishing a secular democratic government undertaken by freedom-loving Iranian people is huge and difficult, but Iranians are capable of defeating their enemy, the Islamic Regime, if it is not supported by the interest-driven industrial power. The European Union’s support of the Islamic Regime of Iran (IRI), and its legitimization and acceptance, has been devastating to Iranians. The recent EU-IRI nuclear agreement with the Islamic Regime is the utmost shameless act of appeasement of terror masters in Iran . Is the U.S. going to endorse these appeasing policies?  

Unfortunately, there are also reasons to be concerned about the U.S. approach towards the Islamic Regime in light of its nuclear activities. During the election campaign and especially presidential debates, President Bush indicated many times that the U.S. government has given this message to mullahs directly and also through the EU that “if you expect to be part of the world of nations, get rid of your nuclear programs.”  

Based on the recent EU-IRI agreement, the murderous regime of Iran has been offered lucrative incentives even without accepting this offer. IRI has volunteered to suspend its enrichment process, and the text of the agreement has made it quite clear that this is only a formality: “The E3/EU recognizes that this suspension is a voluntary confidence building measure and not a legal obligation.”  

It is indeed an “all carrots, no stick” agreement that is designed to embrace a terrorist regime that is not giving up anything.  

The message is very clear for the Iranians who cannot live under such a reactionary religious dictatorship, and believe that they deserve a secular democratic government: “We have finally converted the most active sponsor of terrorism and have brought it into the civilized world. Just live with it.”  

Well, we have news for you. We believe Iranians will not accept your advice; we will not!  

There is no doubt that the nuclear ambitions and activities of the Islamic Regime are a danger to the whole world and must be stopped. However, it is a huge mistake to ignore the very terrorist nature of this regime and assume that, regardless of what it is doing to the Iranians, it can be brought into the “world community” by bribes and lucrative incentives. The reality of the Islamic Regime based on its track record is that the very existence of this monster is not only a daily danger to the lives of millions of Iranians, it is a danger to the entire world. This threat must be removed.  

Iranian people can do it. Iranians can change this regime on their own and, by doing so, bring peace and freedom to Iran and security to the whole world. What is expected from the U.S. government is the curtailment of the will of the interest-driven institutions and companies, and that it stand with the Iranian people in their struggle against the clerical dictatorship by addressing simple demands.  

So, what are President Bush and State Secretary, Condoleezza Rice, going to do with respect to Iran If the US government wants to be on the side of the brave Iranians who have not given up hopes in spite of confronting a brutal regime and all its western supporters, they should just give them moral support by declaring that the U.S. government does not recognize the Islamic Regime as Iranians’ representatives, and that they refrain from establishing friendly relations with such abusers of the Iranian people. This support should be manifested in certain actions and not stop at words.  

We expect the U.S. not to help this terrorist regime and not to legitimize it regardless of the promised compliance with curbing of nuclear activities. We expect a rigid sanction against IRI - not a phony type that we have witnessed during the past years, and not of the type that would exclude Halliburton, GE and more than 200 other American companies - we expect a genuine and real one. We expect the U.S. to reduce its diplomatic relations with the Islamic Regime to the lowest possible level. This regime is not the representative of the Iranian people, and we challenge those who think otherwise by an internationally monitored referendum.  

We believe that this is all most Iranians expect from the U.S. and other countries. Just do not help this terrorist regime! Iranians themselves will topple the Islamic Regime of Iran through disobedience and non-violent action. The EU will soon find out that their investments in Iran under Mullahs can never be safe because the brave Iranians will not ever allow this murderous regime to stabilize. A free Iran will not forgive those governments that betrayed its people, and it will not honor deals made by a terrorist regime.  

The U.S. has the humane option of standing on the side of the brave Iranians who have not given up hope in spite of confronting a brutal regime and all its western supporters, and are fighting for a secular democratic regime. When this struggle succeeds to eliminate the IRI, the cause of terror, not only the Iranians will embrace peace and justice, but the entire world will be a safer place.  

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