Dear Sabina Puig, Research-Assistant to the Special Rapporteur on torture,

                        First of all, I would like to send you my best regards and greetings. I got very happy to hear from you and receiving a form on torture. I try my best to distribute it to the Iranians who have been under torture as many as possible; of course you know about our terrorized environment such that self censorship is common. Any way I try my best.

                        I have a request, that is whenever I send you information please let me know if you have received it because of filtering I cant be sure that it has been received for example I sent you an statement and an article on Sep. 10th, but I didn't receive a reply. If you haven't received them please let me know to send them again.

                        I enclose the information about publicized repression from the date Sep. 3rd, up to Sep. 9th.

                        My colleagues and I expect a firm stance from UN against these brutal rulers in Iran, a condemnation in Human Rights Commission, and sending special envoy to check the whole prisons and political prisoners in private with your own translator, visit the prison for the youth below 18 who are kept  there, till they become 18 and being executed.

                        We expect the referral of the religious fascist regime's human rights dossier to the UN Security Council and we expect you to put pressure on these despotic rulers to accept a free referendum under the UN supervision. We expect you to put pressure on EU and its member countries to stop bargaining with these anti human rulers, in order to undertake a decisive policy against the Vali Faqih's regime and take sides with the people of Iran.

                        To give you some hints what is going on in our homeland I like to write you the following:

Vali Faqih's system has allocated 16 billion dollars for the nuclear weapon agenda while more than 80% of Iranians are under the poverty line – the majority of this percentage is under surviving line. There are people who cannot afford to have lawyers for their beloved like Ateqeh's father- the father of a 16 years old girl who was hanged on Aug 15. Of course these abuses we hear publicly and try to inform you are very little in compare with what the rullers in Iran are doing. No wonder more than 3 million Iranians have taken refugee to other countries accepting hard lives, leaving behind their beloved ones. Iran itself is a prison and everybody in Iran could fill this form- the torture form- filling the name of the prison 'Iran', and the torturers Vali Faqih's rulling system. We demand the special representative is assigned for monitoring  human right abuses in Iran, send a team with broad accessibility to all the prisons – If you want we can give you the names and information – and also talk to political prisoners completely in private with your own translators. And also come to Iran and travel across it, talk to people without Vali Faqih's agents to accompanying this team. And alert UN secretary general to take firm stance against nuclear weapon activities of Vali Faqih otherwise one day you face with a catastrophe, but it would be too late and no excuses are acceptable. If European countries are just thinking economically and helping Vali Faqih as many of them helped Hitler, the world won't forgive United Nation which is an independent body with all the power to take firm and correct decisions. 


                                                                                  With best wishes


Long live Freedom                      

Committee for free referendum in Iran – Women Center

Aafaq Roshani

Sep. 16. 2004