Sentences of four political activists arrested in First May 2004 were communicated

Sentences of four political activists arrested in First May 2004 in Saqez (a city in the Iranian Kurdistan) were communicated to their lawyers through a written judgement. These sentences are:


Mahmood Salahehi:

Sentenced to five years prison and three years forced exile to city of Qorveh (a city in Kurdistan)

Jalal Hosaini:

            Sentenced to three year prison

Hadi Tanomand:

            Acquitted from charges

Esmaeil Khodkam

            Acquitted from charges


The sentences of other three arrested activists, namely Mohsen Hakimi, Mohammad Abedipour and Borhan Divargar have not been communicated to their lawyers as yet.


The four political activists were acquitted from the charges of being member of Komeleh (a communist organisation in Kudistan affiliated to Communist Party of Iran) and their sentences is according to the article 610 of Islamic punishment act. The article 610 states: “whenever two or more persons create a gathering and collusion for the anti security activities, or being a party to its preparation and commission, they should be sentence to two to five years prisons if it is proven that they are not combatant”.


It is clear that, what has happened in the First of May 2004 has nothing to do with the article 610, therefore the judgement and the sentences are totally baseless. These sentences are only and only for suppressing the workers protest, their activities and struggle against the inhuman capitalist system.

We strongly condemn this judgement, want them to be nullified immediately and demand that all the arrested activists of First May 2004 in Saqaz be acquitted unconditionally of all charges.


     Coordinating Committee for organising of Workers

2005 – 11 - 12