
The Kahrizak Camp

Why the Women’s Movement is (more) Successful?
A Sociological Reflection  on  the Women’s Movement  in Iran.

The Iranian Web of Influence in the United States


Tens of arrested students in Iran are tortured

Iran’s 2003 Grand Bargain Offer: Secrets, Lies, and Manipulation

A Report about certain cases of human rights violation against of popular and contrary to political religion leader in Iran, Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Kazemeini  Boroujerdi

28 Students arrested and incarcerated in the intelligence agency’s lockup

Jelveh Javaheri, Campaign Member Arrested, Maryam Hosseinkhah Remains in Prison

polytechnic free campaign

Delaram Ali to Receive Lashings and Serve Prison Term of 2 Years 6 Months

Ayatollahs’ Lobby In Washington Offering Human Rights As A Negotiating Item

Campaign for equality in Iran

To the Members of the United Nations Human Rights council:  Human rights situation in IRAN

About "One Million Signatures Demanding Changes to Discriminatory Laws"

An update report about the birthday party in Esfahan

Dr. Kaveh Farrokh-The 300 Movie: Separating Fact from Fiction

On 8th of March 2007, International Women’s Day united and in harmony let us call for ‘another world’!

Iranain women in the criminal rgime of Mulahs


Imperialism and Reaction: Hands off the lives of Iranian women

Zahra Kazemi was brutally tortured and raped


           Who threatens the Iranian people?

The monstrous spectre of war over Iran

8 March Comes to Europe  By Radha  D'Souza

Urgent appeal to all humanists and freedom lovers,

Sentences of four political activists arrested in First May 2004 were communicated


Iran: Freedom of Expression in Tatters

The International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada expects the Canadian Government ...

Zahra Kazemi was brutaly tortured: Dr. Shahram Azam

Third International Conference - First Children

Student Political Prisoners Staged a Hunger Strike, January, 25.05

Human Rights watch Report: Iran Political Prisiners...

Stand Up Against Execution

Khamenei Change?

Iran - a New Approach

Women in Iran- January 2005

Iran Report  12 / 2004

You gave Your Words, Senators. Now, stand by it!


"All Carrots, no Sticks" Deal with Mullahs



free the journalists and blog writers



stop dealing with the most violator to the freedom of expression and opinion



Come to the Aid of Iranian Kurdish Refugees in Turkey!

A report on publicized Repression in Iran Since Sep. 3. to 9.2004  

A Letter to Sabina Puig, Research-Assistant to the Special Rapporteur on Torture

The Conditions of a Few Political Prisoners

Annual Report 2004 by : Iranian Human Rights Activists Groups in EU and  North America



Gender and Islamic Fundamentalism in Iran



Today in Iran



Relation Between Men and Women Today



18 tir = 9 July


 Justice for all

SOS Turky